Minggu, 02 Desember 2007

Metastock 10

Metastock 10.0 END OF DAY Activator

Metastock uses activation technique, but they
couldn\'t stop us after all!

Follow these simple steps:

1. Install Metastock 10 with any working serial,
for example: R7GT-HMF9-SDZP6

2. Copy our activator.exe to installed dir,
for example: C:\\Program Files\\Equis\\MetaStock

3. Start activator, push \"Get key\". It will say
\"Loading filechk.dll\"...Getting key.. Done.

IMPORTANT! filechk.dll should be in this dir,
file size 102400 bytes. If size differs, try filechk.dll
supplied with our crack. Its from the build which I tested
it on, should work on all 10.x versions...

4. Now run \"Control Activation.exe\" from same dir,
and choose \"Unlock via telephone/email\"

5. Press next, and fill in the key!

All done, you can run Metastock now...
Or run Control Activation again, it will say
\"Your product is activated, no need to run me again etc\" ;)

Enjoy Metastock regged features in full blow!

Metastock 10
Metastock 9 PRO
Download METASTOCK . 10 .END-OF-DAY.ACTIVATION.CRACK di jogjaupload

MetaStock Pro 8.0 RT

1 komentar:

wawan_arts mengatakan...

Mas Mabuk, Metastock 10 (rar setup) passwordnya apa yach ???



crack patches KIS7 versions and - 100% working

This crack patches KIS7 to allow it to be activated with any KIS6 key file..

1) Reboot computer in safe mode (F8)
2) Add the KIS7key.reg file to the registry by double clicking it
3) Run the KIS-7Crack
4) Restart windows and when asked to activate kis7 choose "Apply existing license key"
and use the KIS6Key provided or any KIS6 key

Enjoy !!!

I tested this crack in versions and - 100% working

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